A Hip Ink Corporate Retreat? Well…Sort Of…

June 10, 2011 § 2 Comments

We’re slowly but surely coming up on Hip Ink‘s 5th anniversary in July, and this past year has been one that included lots and lots of changes (including The Invitation Blog, which coincidentally turns 1 in July as well!).

And even though it’s only June, I’m already thinking ahead to the end of this year and into 2012. Well, at least I’m trying to…with the all the craziness of wedding season, 2 young boys, 1 big boy, 2 cats and and all the rest, it’s been impossible to sit down and start really making concrete decisions about the future of Hip Ink – who we are and where we’re going. After all, it’s pretty difficult to consider branding changes when you’ve got soggy cheerios stuck to your forehead (seriously, take it from me).

So, a couple of months ago I had the idea of taking off for a few days to just be able to strictly concentrate on Hip Ink. Three glorious days away from it all. I know most people would think if I were going to take 3 days “off” from my home and family that it should be spent relaxing, getting pampered etc., but that’s just not me, not who I am. I can’t relax when a million ideas are rattling around upstairs…no way. Time to get those ideas organized, planned and implemented – now *that* is satisfying.

And I’m doing just that – next weekend is officially what my BFF calls The Hip Ink “Corporate Retreat”. I’m going in with nothing but disorganized thoughts, crazy ideas, half-formed plans and I’m coming out with a fresh, new and improved Hip Ink. There are definitely lots of things in the works and big plans to make some major changes, but ya’ll will just have to wait for the big announcement in a few weeks time. ‘Till then, trust that I’m going to be working my tush off to make it happen!

Now, it won’t be all work and no play, of course. Friday night my wonderful husband and I are actually going to get to have a date night (which hasn’t happened in…um…years) and Saturday night my best friends are coming over for a sleepover (with pajamas, pizza, card games and adult beverages galore). In between, magic is going to happen – I’m counting on it.

Get ready world, Hip Ink is coming hard in 2011/2012. Believe it.

§ 2 Responses to A Hip Ink Corporate Retreat? Well…Sort Of…

  • Renae says:

    Love it. We are so alike. If I could go anywhere in the world … it would be my own office to work.

  • Autumn says:

    Oooooo exciting times ahead! I can’t wait to see what’s in store. Whatever it is, it’ll be just as brilliant as…LAMBS! 🙂 xoxo Autumn

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